Dr. Shweta Ware
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Grants and Fellowships
Computer Science & Engineering, University of Connecticut, Predoctoral Fellowship Award, 2020
Computer Science & Engineering, University of Connecticut, Predoctoral Fellowship Award, 2019
Computer Science & Engineering, University of Connecticut, Predoctoral Fellowship Award, 2018
2020 Most Downloaded Paper Award has been presented to my team for one of the published papers, "Predicting Depressive Symptoms using Smartphone Data," in January 2021 by Smart Health. I am the first author of this paper.
NSF Student Travel Award for IEEE/ACM CHASE2019 & Awards
Grants and Fellowships
Journal Articles
"Automatic Depression Prediction Using Internet Traffic Characteristics on Smartphones." Chaoqun Yue, Shweta Ware, Reynaldo Morillo, Jin Lu, Chao Shang, Jinbo Bi, Jayesh Kamath, Alexander Russell, Athanasios Bamis, and Bing Wang. Smart Health, 2020.
"Large-scale Automatic Depression Screening Using Meta-data from WiFi Infrastructure." Shweta Ware, Chaoqun Yue, Reynaldo Morillo, Jin Lu, Chao Shang, Jayesh Kamath, Athanasios Bamis, Jinbo Bi, Alexander Russell, and Bing Wang. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2018, Ubicomp 2019.
"Predicting Depressive Symptoms Using Smartphone Data." Shweta Ware, Chaoqun Yue, Reynaldo Morillo, Jin Lu, Chao Shang, Jinbo Bi, Jayesh Kamath, Alexander Russell, Athanasios Bamis, and Bing Wang. Proceedings of ACM/IEEE CHASE (CHASE) 2019.
"Fusing Location Data for Depression Prediction." Chaoqun Yue, Shweta Ware, Reynaldo Morillo, Jin Lu, Chao Shang, Jinbo Bi, Jayesh Kamath, Alexander Russell, Athanasios Bamis, and Bing Wang. IEEE Transactions of Big Data, 2018.
"Fusing Location Data for Depression Prediction." Chaoqun Yue, Shweta Ware, Reynaldo Morillo, Jin Lu, Chao Shang, Jinbo Bi, Jayesh Kamath, Alexander Russell, Athanasios Bamis, and Bing Wang. Proceedings of Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), August 2017.
"Joint Modeling of Heterogeneous Sensing Data for Depression Assessment via Multi-task Learning." Jin Lu, Chao Shang, Chaoqun Yue, Reynaldo Morillo, Shweta Ware, Jayesh Kamath, Athanasios Bamis, Alexander Russell, Bing Wang, and Jinbo Bi. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), Volume 2 Issue 1, March 2018, Ubicomp 2018.
"Behavior vs. Introspection: Refining prediction of clinical depression via smartphone sensing data." Asma Ahmad Farhan, Chaoqun Yue, Reynaldo Morillo, Shweta Ware, Jin Lu, Jinbo Bi, Jayesh Kamath, Alexander Russell, Athanasios Bamis, and Bing Wang. Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Health Conference, October 2016.