Study Abroad
Study abroad is a popular option for computer science majors. Computing impacts the entire world, and experience abroad can provide an important perspective in your decision to select a focus area within Computer Science. Studying abroad empowers you to learn more about yourself and your unique capabilities. You will gain confidence, growing both personally and professionally, while stretching your boundaries and expanding your personal comfort zone.
Students are encouraged to take their core computer science courses at UR, especially:
- CMSC 301 – Computer Organization
- CMSC 315 – Algorithms
- CMSC 323 – Design and Implementation of Programming Languages
Your study abroad time is most effectively used pursuing elective courses in your area of interest.
Students who start the computer science major after the first year will find it difficult to fit study abroad into their plans. In particular, it requires finding a strong program where at least one of the required courses can reasonably be taken.
First-year students planning to study abroad should try to complete CMSC 150, CMSC 221, and CMSC 222 in their first year. A meeting with the computer science coordinator to discuss study abroad plans is advised.
Find the study abroad course approval form here. After completion, email to Dr. Prateek Bhakta at pbhakta@richmond.edu.